Research Paper Services
A. Research Paper Interactive Writing Course - 16 weeks (1 semester)
a. For this course, HIS will provide a course syllabus, access to a Google Drive folder holding PowerPoint slide shows, weekly assignments, feedback for assignments, a grade for the final research paper.
b. Families will need the required book (contact Dr, Stoudt for a copy, 3x5 lined index cards, 4x6 lined index cards, & Google Docs.
c. Fee - Email Dr, Stoudt for the current fee schedule.
d. Refund policy: Withdrawal before beginning the course, full refund - $20 processing fee. Withdrawal during the 1st 7 weeks, 50% refund. Withdrawal between weeks 8 & 11, 25% refund. Withdrawal after week 11, no refund.
B. Research Paper Correcting Service
a. HIS will read the paper and provide feedback within a week on the flow and mechanics and provide a rubric to assist parents in assigning a grade. Two options are offered: Single Submission (SS) and Three Draft Submission (TDS), which includes 2 rough drafts and the final draft.
b. 1-5 pages (up to 1500 words) This will satisfy the research paper requirement for the Susquehanna Valley Homeschool Diploma Program (SVHDP).
i. Fees: SS $35 & TDS $90 (additional $5 for papers between 1500 & 2500 words)
ii. Refund policy: Withdrawal before submission of the 3rd draft on the TDS option only, 50% refund
- iii. For the Research Paper Correcting Service, submit your paper in WORD format as a file attachment via
- to HIS. Indicate if you are requesting the Single Submission (SS) service or the Three Draft Service (TDS). HIS will send you an invoice for payment. Payment must be received before HIS returns the corrected paper.
c. 10 pages (2500-3000 words) This will satisfy the research paper requirement for Pennsylvania Homeschool Accreditation Agency (PHAA) as well as for the alternate credit option for both SVHDP and PHAA.
i. Fees: SS $45 & TDS $90 (additional $10 for each additional group of 1-1000 words)
ii. Refund policy: Withdrawal before submission of the 3rd draft on the TDS option only, 50% refund.
- For a detailed price list for the Research Paper Correcting Service