Handouts & Forms


Affidavit Form OR Unsworn Declaration Form,
Affidavit PDF download  / Word document download
Declaration PDF download / Word document download
These samples can be adapted to your family and only requires the children's ages, not grade identification. Also notice it does not say that you are submitting a copy of your high school diploma, as that is not required. You are attesting that you have one, and that is evidence thereof. The traditional affidavit must be notarized before you submit it to the district. The newer unsworn declaration does not require notarization, but the supervisor of the home education program signs it under penalty of perjury laws in PA. 

Bloomsburg Walking Tour - download brochure
Brochure from the Columbia County Historical Society - excellent resource for local/state/US history. Have fun!

Course Titles, download
Many have asked me about what to call a certain course. Here are a few tips and insights to consider with developing a transcript or planning the high school years.

Credit Log Sheet, download
There is no one set way to track credits. For courses using textbooks, I suggest simply photocopying the table of contents and drawing a line at the place you consider a credit (one diploma program requires 2/3 of a textbook... another required 3/4), plus recording test grades right there. Then a college can see scope, sequence, grades, and credit documentation. For non-textbook courses, some have found this sheet to come in handy. While some use "Carnegie Units" (120 hours) to equal a credit, the two diploma programs with which I work counts a credit after 120 hours of study or 120 activities. Sixty would equal a 1/2 credit. So download this form and photocopy it front and back. Log each activity or hour of study in a certain domain. When the front is filled (60 squares) you have a 1/2 credit. When both sides are filled you have a full credit. This_is handy for things like shop or home economics, or even Bible. This form is NOT required, but may be helpful.

Eval Overview, download
If you are considering using me as your evaluator for the end-of-the-year portfolio review, please read this summary of what to expect.

Grades, download
Are grades required in homeschooling? NO! Are they advisable in high school? YES! Colleges and financial aid look at a GPA. It is hard to go back at the end of the senior year and try to determine what grades should have been assigned. This handout helps you sort through what to consider when assigning grades for homeschool work.

High School Paper Guidelines, download
Some parents choose to enroll in one of the diploma programs offered to homeschoolers in PA. Each has their own requirements for research papers, but no strict guidelines. This handout will provide a basic overview of what to look for in creating a quality paper. It is based on what I have seen in my role as a professional editor for doctoral dissertations, and in my role as assistant professor for undergrad and graduate level students. If you need more support, check_out_the writing support services I offer through this website.

High School Policy, download
Over the years I have done many evaluations for high school homeschoolers. I have created this policy so families know what to expect if they use me as their evaluator and choose to enroll in one of the diploma programs with which I am credentialed.

Labeled or Not - download here
Dr. Stoudt developed this brochure after completing her dissertation. It addresses the question lurking in parents' minds when they see their child struggling with learning.

Log Check Grid, download
There are no set requirements for keeping your homeschool log other than that the law requires in the portfolio �a log made contemporaneously with instruction.� The key to finding the log system that works for you is to make sure it helps you stay sane and keep your school flowing smoothly... and that you stay up-to-date with it... even weekly, but not every single minute! Note I said �sane�. Here is a simple form that some have found to be helpful and not too burdensome. Along the top, list the subjects for that student for the year. Then make multiple photocopies of it so you do not have to do that again. Along the left, record date and/or which day of the shcool year... i.e. 1-180. Along the right, jot titles of books read, or a note about a field trip or lesson... not too detailed, but to capture the essence of your year for celebrating at the end! If you �designate by title reading materials used� here, there is no need for a separate book list. This form is NOT required, but may be a helpful option.

PA Special Ed Homeschooling, download
This is a brochure I developed during my research for my dissertation. It addresses the question of whether or not to identify your child's special needs in your paperwork filed with the district. It gives pros and cons, so you can make an informed decision.

PHAA Credit Sheet, download / You can download a SAMPLE here
For families who choose to enroll in the Pennsylvania Homeschool Accreditation Agency Diploma Program (see HIS Favorites), I have developed this form for recording a year's high school work. Fill it out in detail and bring it to the evaluation, and it serves as a $10 coupon!!! Include publishers of textbooks, grades for GPA calculation, how much credit is assigned, how each credit was measured... it's all right there! See the completed sample form to assist you in filling_it out. This is to be used INSTEAD of the year's checklist in the diploma guide. Many families (and I) prefer the layout of the form I developed. Now it's the only one I want to see. ;)

Read Aloud Brochure - download here
One of the best educational activities you could do is to read aloud to your family. The children hear how masters crafted their words and sentences, which helps them with their own reading and writing skills.

Read Aloud to Your Children, download
Dr Stoudt created this brochure to help parents understand why reading aloud to their children is not only fun, but so important to the overall educational program. Feel free to print several and share with your friends at co-op!

Receipt Form,  PDF download / WORD document download
Receipt Form for submitting items to the school district: This sample was created to be submitted for a family who likes to submit one year's evaluation reports and the next year's affidavit/declaration and objectives on the same day. If you submit them separately, just adapt the form. Also adapt the wording on the form if you are submitting an unsworn declaration rather than an affidavit.

Sample Educational Objectives, (please use the links below for the various samples)
1. Sample elementary objectives - Notice the school year is listed, but there is no mention of which grade the child is in; that is not required by law. The affidavit/declaration only requires the child's age. Keep objectives broad and basic. While you are not required to provide a list of your curriculum, it can make objectives easier just to say, "______ will progress through the _______ program" under each subject area. The samples provided here were specific to our style of homeschooling with thematic unit studies.

2. Sample elementary objectives for a child identified with special needs - Note the objectives highlighted in yellow addressed specific goal on the student's IEP. That way the individual approving the program could certify that the objectives did indeed address the child's special needs. Notice the school year is listed, but there is no mention of which grade the child is in. That is not required by law. The affidavit/declaration only requires the child's age.

3. Sample secondary objectives - The two samples here were written to align with the credit requirements established by the two diploma programs with which I work. These could be easily adapted to a parent-issued diploma program, simply by substituting what you have established to be the criteria for your credits. Notice the school year is listed, but there is no mention of which grade the child is in. That is not required by law. The affidavit/declaration only requires the child's age.
a. Sample for students following the Susquehanna Valley Homeschool Diploma Program (There are variations provided, because this program offers 4 different diplomas.)
b. Sample for students following the Pennsylvania Homeschool Accreditation Agency.

Spelling & Writing: The Prescriptive Approach, download
Many people ask me about spelling or writing programs... yes there are some good ones out there... but I still feel that taking a personalized approach and strengthening weak areas is most helpful. Perhaps combining both approaches would be even better... this handout describes what I mean by taking a personalized approach...

Supervisor-Issued Diploma Credit Sheet - download here
This is an optional resource if you would like Dr. Stoudt to help you keep the transcript for your SID. See the SID Info Sheet for more details.

Supervisor-Issued Diploma (Parent-Issued) Graduation Checklist, download
This form is for parents to bring to senior year evaluations if they are using the Supervisor-Issued (Parent Issued) Diploma.

Supervisor-Issued Diploma Information Sheet - download here
Please read this if you are considering this graduation option. Email Dr. Stoudt if you have questions.

SVHDP Credit Sheet, download You can download a SAMPLE here
For families who choose to enroll in the Susquehanna Valley Homeschool Diploma Program (see HIS Favorites), I have developed this form for recording a year's high school work. Fill it out in detail and bring it to the evaluation, and it serves as a $10 coupon!!! Include publishers of textbooks, grades for GPA calculation, how much credit is assigned, how each credit was measured... it's all right there! See the completed sample form to assist you in filling it out.


I'd love to hear from you. You can email me, find me on Facebook, call or text me at 570-861-5681.